14/365: The Curse of the Black Spot

This is a shot of a brand-new monitor that I just finished unboxing. The manufacturer's warranty policy covers up to three bright pixels or five dark pixels. There's at least 25 pixels in this blob, so it was boxed back up thirty minutes after I'd opened it.

It looks like that one of the LEDs that provide the back lighting failed or there's a defect in the surface. This is most visible from this crop:

Having a macro lens is nice, eh?

What makes this particularly frustrating is that I bought this screen to replace a four-year-old one that started acting up three days ago; there's apparently a short in the control panel that causes the on-screen-display to keep popping up.

Yesterday, the old screen started working properly. Today, I got the new screen, and it's defective. It looks like I'm in the middle of another run of random hardware failures..

The new screen was MuchMoreAwesomer(tm) than the old one; vastly better color reproduction, much lighter, brighter, and used two-thirds of the power. A pity I had to send it back..
