A tale of two corsets

It's been an interesting week for me. I know I say this a lot, and while I won't go into the juicy details here, I thought I'd share a pair of photos.

Wednesday night, I accompanied several friends to a birthday celebration of sorts at a goth club in Orlando. While I was generally disappointed with the various outfits on display, there were a few that I liked a great deal, including this one:

Incidentally, that's the birthday girl, and it's my favorite image of the evening.

Friday night, in part due to the events Wednesday night, I found myself at the local gay club for fetish night on what could be loosely called a double date. The show was actually pretty entertaining, complete with crowd-pleasing uses of power tools... but the crowd itself was disappointing, with a couple of notable exceptions.

As we nursed our drinks in our dark corner, watching our dates dirty dance with another man, a particularly striking lady kept getting the way of my camera and view of the dance floor. I dubbed her the scarecrow, due to her tall, lanky frame... and her her fashion sense:

Yes folks.. it's the same corset. And as my fine readers can probably tell, the adjectives (and pronouns) of the last paragraph were used very liberally.

So, to sum up those two nights: 2 wristbands, 3 hours of sleep, 671 photos (some of which are very nice indeed), 8 200mg ibuprofen tablets, 3.5 liters of water, $13 in covers, and exactly one song I actually liked enough to think about dancing to.
