And the sun rises
I've watched the sun rise every day this week. Not out of choice, mind you -- I've been waking up by 0630 no matter when I go to bed. I guess I am getting the sleep I need, but.. it's odd.
There is a surprising amount of life out there at dawn; this morning in particular there were two red-tailed hawks hunting both for breakfast and mates, the usual early birds getting their worms, and early kitties getting the birds while waiting for me to get my "lazy" ass up to feed their obviously deserving mouths.
I've had a lot on my mind lately. Those of you who know me will know that's just business as usual, but this time I've had a very hard time getting a handle on it. Some things really do need to be taken seriously.. at least until you figure out the underlying absurdity of it all and can start giggling again. What can I say, life is strange.
My soon-to-be-ex mother-in-law's lemon tree blossoming in the morning light: